I believe that we all take our own path but there are always signs and things we notice around us, that we either choose to take in and action upon unconsciously or consciously. Sometimes we don't even realise. I think the power of our thoughts and decisions take us to where we want to be.
Unfortunately, my personal journey started at a very young age when I lost my father tragically overnight, he passed away unexpectedly. I was raised from a single parent family in the surburbs of London. Growing up I always had an interest in community care, culture and people in general. I became very social and always have ideas to bring people together no matter what background or class they came from. I believe that you create your own perception of life and we learn sometimes the hard way, but from our mistakes as we go along. So as people say "mistakes are learning experiences"..simple.
I experienced counselling as a student for many years and realised just how powerful it was, breaking up patterns that were stuck in my mind that I reinforced and created, as that was all that I knew to survive through those times. Now I am aware of many tools to help one to move forward and how you can achieve many things with that awareness. For example, I never knew that I would jump out of a plane 10,000 feet over lake Taupo in New Zealand after becoming a first time parent! I could do so many more things after counselling and was open to many other possibilities in my life that I had previously been stuck on.
My interests in people grew and after obtaining my Diploma in Public Administration and Ba in Social Sciences (4 years) at Southampton institute, I trained in Bristol, UK in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy in 2000. Then for me it was time to start a family and I got married and we have to wonderful boys. We had a work opportunity to live in Vancouver and we took that step and here I am.
My key areas of counselling are : Grief and loss, Career Development, Couples,Marital and relationship issues, Anxiety and Stress dis-orders, and parenting (individual and groups).